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SIP 真雅會国際予備校(三重県津市)


トップページ > 講習会・説明会

The Special Commemorative Lecture and the Global English Course
Good morning, everyone who participated in The Special Commemorative Lecture and the Global English Course. In this session, we would like you to express your opinions candidly, taking into account the political perspectives of various countries, regarding the issue of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

As the new leaders who will shape the 21st century, we encourage you to engage in lively discussions and share your thoughts. Let's benefit from the advice provided by our special guest speaker, Andy, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, to further enrich our understanding.

Andy, we would like you to encourage students to express their concerns based on the photos and descriptions provided in the handout, for as long as time allouws. Feel free to extract student's opinions from the visuals and descriptions.

If Andy has a predetermined structure for the lecture, we would like him to motivate students for the discussion.
Russia attacks Ukraine   (Date: 2023/8/18)
On Thursday, Russian forces started an invasion of Ukraine. The Russian president Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation; however, world leaders warned him that it could spark the biggest war in Europe since 1945. A series of air strikes hit airports across the country, and on Friday, the highways leaving the capital city of Kyiv were jammed as people tried to leave. Hundreds of thousand of refugees have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries, around half of which have traveled to the Polish border. On Ukraine-Slovakia border, volunteers are helping arrange food, clothing, transportation and accommodation for new arrivals, with the UN refugee agency warning that as many as 5 million Ukrainians could leave the country. Meanwhile, the US, Canada and key European countries have agreed to remove selected Russian banks from the Swift international payments system, and the EU has imposed economic sanctions on Russia. In response, Putin has ordered his military to put the country’s nuclear forces on high alert.

Crisis in Ukraine - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, center, inspects Ukrainian army positions close to Donetsk on Friday, October 10.

Crisis in Ukraine - An Ukrainian sniper aims his weapon at a checkpoint near Popasna, Ukraine, on Thursday, October 2.

Crisis in Ukraine - Workers clear rubble Thursday, September 11, after the bombing of a mine in Donetsk.

Crisis in Ukraine - An injured man is transported at a hospital after shelling in Donetsk on Wednesday, October 1.

Afterwards, Prime Minister Kishida met with President Zelensky and Ukrainian government officials at the Mariinsky Palace. They signed a 'Joint Statement on Special Global Partnership.' President Zelensky explained, 'This document reflects both the values we will uphold together and our shared aspirations that have yet to be realized.
US -Ukraine Summit: President Biden Emphasizes
Continuat ion of Military Support

President Biden stated, 'Putin will soon realize he cannot win this war. That will be the time when President Zelensky will have to determine how to end the war.' He emphasized the need to continue support to Ukraine until Putin realizes he cannot win.

"President Biden of the United States held a summit with Ukrainian President Zelensky, who was visiting the capital, Washington. During the meeting, President Biden announced the provision of the state-of-the-art surface-to-air missile system 'Patriot' and emphasized the commitment to continue military support."
South Korean President Yoon visited Ukraine and held a summit meeting with President Zelensky.

On the 15th, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol visited Ukraine, which is under Russia's invasion, and held a summit meeting with President Zelensky. The South Korean presidential office announced that President Yoon reaffirmed his solidarity with Ukraine during the post-meeting press conference and emphasized the intention to expand cooperation, including humanitarian assistance.
"China's Press Conference on the Situation in Ukraine"

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying stated in a press conference, "China is closely observing the latest developments. We call on relevant parties to exercise restraint and avoid situations that may become uncontrollable." Furthermore, Hua criticized the United States' response, pointing out their provision of a large amount of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, stating, "The U.S. has continuously heightened tensions and exacerbated the risk of war."
Translate the following Japanese into English
@ 日本 は、第 2次大戦後ずっと平和を享受してきた。これは主としてアメリカの軍事力が後ろ盾としてあるからである。日本の平和は他人頼りの平和であり、自国の平和は自国で守る、ということにはなっていない。この点を考えると、有事の際、今の日本人ははたして、自分の国を自分で守るという気持ちがあるかどうかは極めて疑わしい。

[添削を要する英語訳] [A translation that requires correction]
Since World War II Japan has been a peaceful state. This is primarily because the U.S. military power has supported Japan from behind. The Japanese largely depend upon others for keeping their country peaceful. Considering they haven't done much to keep their country peaceful, it is quite doubtful if the Japanese will show the spirit to protect their own country if Japan becomes involved in war.


1. Since the end of World War II Japan has been a peaceful country. This is primarily [mainly] because of the US military presence. The Japanese depend largely upon others for keeping their country free from war keeping the country war-free]. Considering they haven't done much to prepare for their own defense, it is quite doubtful whether the Japanese will show the courage to protect their own country if Japan becomes involved in war.

2. Since the end of the war, Japan has been free from war. U.S. military protection, for the most part, has made this possible. Japan's peace has been secured mostly by others and the Japanese themselves have contributed little to that. This makes one doubt that the Japanese will risk their lives to protect their own country if Japan ever becomes embroiled in another war.
A アメリカが中東、アジア、ヨーロッパをはじめ全世界にその軍事力を展開しようとするのは、政治、経済の両面で圧倒的優位を常に維持したいとする超大国の論理が働いているためである。この論理の前には、小国が自国の安全と繁栄のみを願って生きていくという図式は成り立ちにくくなってきている

[添削を要する英語訳] [A translation that requires correction]
The United States tries hard to spread its military forces throughout the world, starting from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, because of the superpower's strong will of maintaining its superiority in both aspects of politics and economy. Under these circum-stances, it is difficult for small countries to try to survive, hoping that only their countries will be safe and successful.


1. The United States tries hard to deploy its military forces throughout the world, including the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, because it is the superpower's indomitable will to maintain its superiority over other nations both in politics and economy. Under these circumstances, it is becoming tougher for small countries to try to survive, hoping for only their own security and prosperity.

2. The United States is making strenuous efforts to deploy its military troops to various parts of the world, including the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. This is because keeping political and economic predominance over the rest of the world is what the superpower is determined to do. This being the case, small countries are finding it more and more difficult to try to survive with only their own security and prosperity in mind.
B 今や選択肢は2つしかない。すなわちアメリカの側につくか、さもなければテロリストの側につくかである。 中間は存在しない。われわれはテロリスト、もしくはテロリストを助けるいかなる国家、組織も国際秩序に対する犯罪者として断固制裁を加える覚悟である

[添削を要する英語訳] [A translation that requires correction]
Terrorism is an atrocious crime. Terrorists and organizations which support terrorists are criminals against international order and they should be severely punished. Now is the time for every country in the world to get united, despite differences in causes, religions and races, to eradicate terrorism. The United States is ready to lead the world to get together.


1. Terrorism is an atrocious crime. We must harshly punish terrorists as well as organizations that help them survive, because terrorists are destroyers of international order. Now is the time for every country in the world, despite differences in cause, religion and race, to unite in the eradication of terrorism. The United States is ready to play a leading role in accomplishing that.

2. Terrorism is an unpardonable crime. As criminals against international order, terrorists and organizations that support them should be severely punished. It's about time the whole world - regardless of differences in cause, religion, and race - united to eradicate terrorism. The United States is ready to take the initiative in uniting nations to fight against terrorism.



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